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Package Internals
Package Names

All packages are provided in either the native package manager format or as RPM packages. The naming convention is usually "TWWpackagesubpackage" where "package" is usually the name of the package in "/opt/TWWfsw/package" and "subpackage" is an extension determined by the type of files in the package and the package manager:
/etc/opt/TWWfsw, /var/opt/TWWfsw, /etc/init.d, /sbin/init.d, /etc/rc.d, /etc/dt AIX: ".conf"; HP-UX: "-CONF"; IRIX: ".sw.config"; RPM: "-conf"; Solaris: "c"; Tru64 UNIX: "CONF"
/opt/TWWfsw/package/doc, /opt/TWWfsw/package/docs AIX: ".doc"; HP-UX: "-HELP"; IRIX: ".man.doc"; RPM: "-doc"; Solaris: "d"; Tru64 UNIX: "DOC"
/opt/TWWfsw/package/man and /opt/TWWfsw/package/info AIX: ".man"; HP-UX: "-MAN"; IRIX: ".man.pages", ""; RPM: "-man"; Solaris: "m"; Tru64 UNIX: "MAN"
/opt/TWWfsw/packager AIX: ".librun"; HP-UX: "-LIBR"; IRIX: ".sw.librun"; RPM: "-librun"; Solaris: "r"; Tru64 UNIX: "LIBR"
/opt/TWWfsw/packagep AIX: ".pkg"; HP-UX: "-PKG"; IRIX: ".sw.packages"; RPM: "-pkg"; Solaris: "p"; Tru64 UNIX: "PKG"
/opt/TWWfsw/package AIX: ".rte"; HP-UX: "-RUN"; IRIX: ".sw.base"; RPM: subpackage is empty; Solaris: "u"; Tru64 UNIX: "BIN"

For most package managers, the name of the package as installed under "/opt/TWWfsw/package". Exceptions exist for the HP-UX package manager due to restrictions on the length of the package name for HP-UX 10.20. Because we use the same package name across all versions of HP-UX, some package names are abbreviated as HP-UX 10.20 packages are restricted to 29 characters. Some legacy Solaris packages are abbreviated to 9 characters due to previous support for Solaris 2.5.1. Because this platform is no longer supported, new Solaris packages more closely following the installation package name.

Release Notes
Getting Started
Package Utilities Suite
Package Internals
Mirroring Repository
GPG Public Key
Package Internals
Installation Directories
Package Names
Startup Scripts
GCC Runtime Directory
Perl, Python Module Search Path