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Package Utilities Suite

Package configuration (pkg-config)

The pkg-config tool is used to execute the post-install and pre-remove procedure script for a package. Usually, the post-install script will create the set of common links in the bin, info, and man directories. The pre-remove script will remove these links. This command is useful if more than one version of a package is installed and the primary version (the package with links in the common directory) needs to change. It is also useful if a package was initially installed with COMMON_BASE=none in the configuration file.

The default action of pkg-config is to execute the post-install script. The --uninstall option executes the pre-remove script. Note the list of possibilities for the --subpkgs option is more restrictive than with the other commands in the pkgutils suite. Because the primary purpose is to create/remove the common links and because common links are only created for the "libruntime", "man", "packages", and "runtime" subpackages, the list is more restrictive.

A sample run of pkg-config to remove and then recreate the common links on AIX follows:

    $ pkg-config --uninstall python-2.1.2
      checking if v2.1.2-12 installed (TWW.python212) ... yes
        installed instances ... TWW.python212.pkg 
        TWW.python212.doc TWW.python212.rte
        searching for common links ... found
        removing links in man for by running:
          $ sh /opt/TWWfsw/python212/tww-inst/
        removing links in bin for TWW.python212.pkg by running:
          $ sh /opt/TWWfsw/python212p/tww-inst/links-rm.pkg
        removing links in bin for TWW.python212.rte by running:
          $ sh /opt/TWWfsw/python212/tww-inst/links-rm.rte

    $ pkg-info --verbose --link-listing=short python
      checking if v2.1.2-12 installed (TWW.python212) ... yes
        installed instances ... TWW.python212.pkg 
        TWW.python212.doc TWW.python212.rte
        searching for common links ... none found

    $ pkg-config python-2.1.2
      checking if v2.1.2-12 installed (TWW.python212) ... yes
        installed instances ... TWW.python212.pkg 
        TWW.python212.doc TWW.python212.rte
        installing links in man for by running:
          $ sh /opt/TWWfsw/python212/tww-inst/
        installing links in bin for TWW.python212.pkg by running:
          $ sh /opt/TWWfsw/python212p/tww-inst/links-inst.pkg
        installing links in bin for TWW.python212.rte by running:
          $ sh /opt/TWWfsw/python212/tww-inst/links-inst.rte

    $ pkg-info --link-listing=short python
      checking if v2.1.2-12 installed (TWW.python212) ... yes
        installed instances ... TWW.python212.pkg 
        TWW.python212.doc TWW.python212.rte
        searching for common links ... found
      common links ...
        bin: TWW.python212.pkg TWW.python212.rte
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