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Package Utilities Suite

Installing packages (pkg-inst)

The pkg-inst tool is part of the pkgutils suite. It is used to install and upgrade a package. In the architecture directory of the CD distribution is a package database file named "pkg-db.xml" that drives pkg-inst. The package database file contains information about all packages in the directory it resides in and what dependencies each package has. With this knowledge, pkg-inst is able to install and upgrade packages regardless of the underlying package management system.

General usage for pkg-inst is:
  $ pkg-inst --depot=[depot] [packages ...]

Multiple depot directories can be specified, with each expected to contain either a "pkg-db.xml" file and/or a "depot-db.xml" file. The "depot-db.xml" file contains information about subdirectories that are to be descended into to search for additional "depot-db.xml" and "pkg-db.xml" files. Because of this file, it is possible for pkg-inst to recursively descend into directories to search for packages. By default, pkg-inst will descend into all subdirectories listed in the "depot-db.xml" file. The --update-type option can be used to restrict where pkg-inst packages are searched. The general layout of a depot is:

By default, all subpackage components of a package will be installed. When dependencies are required for a package and the "--ignoredeps" option is not given, only those subpackage components needed to meet the dependency will be installed.

The following is a quick example of how much easier package installation is with pkg-inst. It is a sample run of the installation of GNU zip (gzip) on Solaris. Examples using the native package management system are given in the chapters to follow describing how to install, remove, and updates packages using the native package management system. Comparing the two, it should be easy to see how much simpler pkg-inst makes the installation process.

    $ pkg-inst --depot=/tmp/depot gzip
      depot containing v1.3.5-1 of this package ...
      checking if already installed ... no
        components to install: TWWgzp13m, TWWgzp13u, TWWgzp13d
      checking for dependencies ... none
      installing TWWgzp13m ...
        $ pkgadd -a /opt/TWWfsw/pkgutils15/share/pkgadd/admin -d 
        /opt/dist/cd/TWWgzp13m TWWgzp13m
        updating package database entry for man fileset ... done
      installing TWWgzp13u ...
        $ pkgadd -a /opt/TWWfsw/pkgutils15/share/pkgadd/admin -d 
        /opt/dist/cd/TWWgzp13u TWWgzp13u
        updating package database entry for runtime fileset ... done
      installing TWWgzp13d ...
        $ pkgadd -a /opt/TWWfsw/pkgutils15/share/pkgadd/admin -d 
        /opt/dist/cd/TWWgzp13d TWWgzp13d
        updating package database entry for doc fileset ... done

The following command can be used to install the latest versions of all packages in a depot. However, it will not necessarily install all packages in the depot. If more than one version of a package is present in the depot (e.g. Tcl 8.0, 8.1, and 8.2) only the latest version will be installed (e.g. Tcl 8.2).
  $ pkg-inst --depot=[depot]

When upgrading to a new release, it might not be desirable to install all packages. Rather, it might be more desirable to install only newer versions of those packages are already installed. The "--match-target" option, with the appropriate argument, will install only those packages in the depot that are already installed on the target. Thus, if the current version of Tcl on the target is 8.0.4 and the depot contains both Tcl 8.0.5 and Tcl 8.1.1, the following command will install only the 8.0.5 version whereas the above command would have installed both the 8.0.5 and 8.1.1 versions:
  $ pkg-inst --match-target=package --depot=[depot] tcl

To upgrade to the latest version of tcl, use "--match-target=name". In the case above, if the target contains Tcl 8.0.5 and Tcl 8.0.5 and Tcl 8.1.1 are available, v8.1.1 would be installed with:
  $ pkg-inst --match-target=name --depot=[depot] tcl

The "--match-target=package" option matches against an installed package instance, what the package manager knows the name of the package as. In the case of Tcl 8.0.4, for Solaris/pkgadd this is "TWWtcl80". With the "--match-target=name" option, pkg-inst bases the upgrade on what it knows the package name as. In the case of Tcl 8.0.4, 8.0.5, and 8.1.1, the name is "tcl".

The "--remove-prev-ver" option will remove older versions of all packages installed by pkg-inst, providing the older version is not a dependency for another package. It does this by building a running list of successfully installed packages, determining the previous versions using the global pkg-db.xml file, and then invoking pkg-rm to remove the packages (without the "--add-inverse-deps" option). This method has the side effect of requiring more disk space because, if upgrading from 3.2 to 3.3, all 3.2 and 3.3 packages will be installed before package deletion begins. Because pkg-inst must wait until all packages are installed to determine which were successfully installed, just-in-time deletion of older packages cannot be performed because a package selected for installation but not yet installed might be dependent on an older version of an already-installed package.

Package installation database

For each subpackage installed, an entry is written to a package database directory specified with the --pkg-db=path entry. Files in the database directory are named after the installed package and in XML format, similar to the "pkg-db.xml" file. These files are updated as packages are installed, updated, and removed. The default path for the package database is /var/opt/TWWfsw/pkgutils15. Special considerations must be taken with the database path for RPM packages. If a package is installed and removed without the pkg-rm command, pkg-inst will fail with the following warning (this warning is ignored if --reinstall is given):

    installing [package] ...
      A pkg-db entry for this package already exists. This should not
      occur. Maybe the pkg-db entry is corrupt? Please check

To create files in the new package database for packages installed with a previous release, use the pkg-info command with the "--update-pkg-db" option.

    $ ls -ld /var/opt/TWWfsw/pkgutils15/python-2.1.2
    /var/opt/TWWfsw/pkgutils15/python-2.1.2: No such file or directory
    $ pkg-info --update-pkg-db --verbose
      checking if v2.1.2 installed (TWW.python212) ... yes
        installed instances ... TWW.python212.doc 
        TWW.python212.rte TWW.python212.pkg
        updating package database entry for man fileset ... done
        updating package database entry for doc fileset ... done
        updating package database entry for runtime fileset ... done
        updating package database entry for packages fileset ... done
    $ ls -ld /var/opt/TWWfsw/pkgutils15/python-2.1.2
    -rw-r--r--   1 root     system       839 May 17 00:23 python-2.1.2

Extracting native package from .pkg-inst archive

The "--extract=path" option is available to copy the raw package out of the .pkg-inst archive to a local directory. The pkg-inst(1) man page documents this option and how the package is copied to the destination directory.

Installing RPM packages

pkg-inst needs no assistance when installing packages for the native package management systems. However, if installing RPM packages for multiple platforms on the same host, the default database path, "/var/opt/TWWfsw/rpm40/lib/rpm" will not be sufficient. A separate database directory must exist for each platform. The following options are of particular importance:

      --rpm-arch=<arch>         RPM architecture type. Possible types are:
                                        alpha (Tru64 UNIX 4.x, 5.x)
                                        i386 (Redhat Linux, RHEL/x86)
                                        ia64 (HP-UX 11.x/IA)
                                        mipseb (IRIX 6.x)
                                        parisc (HP-UX 10.20, 11.x/PA)
                                        ppc (AIX 4.3.x, 5.x)
                                        sparc (Solaris 2.x)
                                        x86_64 (RHEL/x86_64)
      --rpm-db=<dir>            RPM database path

If installing for a non-native architecture, the "--rpm-arch=arch" option specifies which platform to install for. This is important because, by default, pkg-inst will select a default architecture name (from the list above) based on the host platform pkg-inst is running on. Because the RPM package name contains the architecture type, pkg-inst must know the correct architecture type to select the correct RPM file. The examples below demonstrate the pkg-inst equivalent commands for each of the RPM commands.

    $ rpm -Uv --dbpath /var/rpm/sparc-sun-solaris2.8 --relocate \
    /opt/TWWfsw=/nfs/sparc-sun-solaris2.8 --ignorearch --ignoreos \
    $ pkg-inst --rpm-db=/var/rpm/sparc-sun-solaris2.8 -e --relocate
    -e /opt/TWWfsw=/nfs/sparc-sun-solaris2.8 -e --ignorearch -e --ignoreos
    --depot=/tmp/solaris2.8-rpms tin

    $ rpm -Uv --dbpath /var/rpm/sparc-sun-solaris2.6 --relocate \
    /opt/TWWfsw=/nfs/sparc-sun-solaris2.6 --ignorearch --ignoreos \
    $ pkg-inst --rpm-db=/var/rpm/sparc-sun-solaris2.6 -e --relocate
    -e /opt/TWWfsw=/nfs/sparc-sun-solaris2.6 -e --ignorearch -e --ignoreos
    --depot=/tmp/solaris2.6-rpms tin

    $ rpm -Uv /tmp/solaris2.8-rpms/TWWtin-1.4.2-1.sparc.rpm
    $ pkg-inst --depot=/tmp/solaris2.8-rpms tin

Installing packages from a remote repository

In addition to installing packages from a local repository, a remote repository, available through the HTTP protocol, can be used. A package format has been created for use with pkg-inst. Filenames ending with ".pkg-inst" contain the binaries in Zip archive format and filenames ending with ".pkg-inst.md5" contain the MD5 checksum of the ".pkg-inst" archive. The following options to pkg-inst are of importance:

      --dist=<dist>             Name of distribution to update. Default
                                value is "cd" for the normal distribution.
                                Used mainly when installing from a
                                remote depot.
      --local-depot=<depot>     Path to local repository to store
                                files retrieved from remote repositories
      --login=<login>           Login for remote depot
      --password=<pass>         Password for remote depot
      --proxy-host=<host:port>  Hostname and proxy of proxy server
      --proxy-login=<login>     Login for proxy server
      --proxy-password=<pass>   Password to proxy server
      --update-type=<type>      Limit updates to . Possible types are:
                                  errata packages security support updates
                                Default type is "packages". Used mainly
                                when installing from a remote depot.

To install remote packages, a local repository must be created to save the downloaded packages. This directory is specified with the "--local-depot=depot" option. pkg-inst will create a temporary working directory to extract the ".pkg-inst" files when working (usually in "/var/tmp").

Installation from a remote depot is similar to installation from a local depot. As with the local depot, --depot=depot specifies the location of the depot. If the target is behind a firewall, the --proxy-host=host:port, --proxy-login=login, and --proxy-password=password options can be used to penetrate the firewall. If a login and password are required for authentication to the depot, the --login=login and --password=password options must be used. HTTP BASIC authentication is used for authentication to remote depots. The --update-type=type option specifies which directory in the depot to install packages from. If not specified and the base of the remote depot contains a "depot-db.xml" file, the directories specified in the "depot-db.xml" file are searched for packages. The "--verbose" option to pkg-inst provides information about what directories are being searched. All packages from our quarterly distribution are available in the "packages" directory ("--update-type=packages"). Updates made available between releases will be available from the "errata", "security", and "updates" directories.

As pkg-inst installs packages from a remote depot, it populates the local depot (specified with "--local-depot=depot") with the ".pkg-inst" package files. These files are never removed by "pkg-inst". If the packages in the remote depot are updated after the copies are made to the local depot, pkg-inst will check the remote depot for updates and download newer versions of the packages. If future installs or reinstallations are necessary, the local depot can be specified as the depot for the "--depot=depot" option to eliminate the download time. It is also possible to mirror the remote repository to local disk and specify the local mirror directory as the depot to pkg-inst.

Once the ".pkg-inst" file is downloaded, pkg-inst will verify the file against its MD5 signature, unpack the archive and the archive"s contents, and proceed with installation. If the MD5 signature check fails, pkg-inst will re-download the package and proceed to unpack the archive for installation.

The following is a sample run under HP-UX installing MGv, the postscript previewer:

    $ pkg-inst --dist-ver=5.1 --local-depot=/tmp/pkg --login=[login]
    --password=[password] --depot= mgv
      depot containing v3.1.5-2 of this package ...
      checking if already installed ... no
        components to install: TWWmgv.TWWmgv-MAN, TWWmgv.TWWmgv-RUN
      checking for dependencies ... yes
        TWWxpm.TWWxpm-RUN (v>=3.4k, r>=1) ... to be installed
      reordering packages ...
        adding TWWxpm.TWWxpm-RUN [xpm] (v>=3.4k, r>=1) to package list
          found v3.4k-3 in depot
      will reinstall after dependencies installed

      depot containing v3.4k-3 of this package ...
      checking if already installed ... no
        components to install: TWWxpm.TWWxpm-RUN
      checking for dependencies ... none
      checking if package exists in local depot ... no
      retrieving xpm-3.4k-3 package from remote depot ... 100%
      verifying MD5 checksum of retrieved package payload ... ok
      extracting package files ...
        extracting file ... done
        testing ... done
        unpacking contents ... done
      installing TWWxpm.TWWxpm-RUN ...
        $ swinstall -s /var/tmp/AAAa26293/TWWxpm.depot TWWxpm.TWWxpm-RUN
        updating package database entry for runtime fileset ... done
      removing temporary files ... done

      depot containing v3.1.5-2 of this package ...
      checking if already installed ... no
        components to install: TWWmgv.TWWmgv-MAN, TWWmgv.TWWmgv-RUN
      checking for dependencies ... yes
        TWWxpm.TWWxpm-RUN (v>=3.4k, r>=1) ... to be installed
      reordering packages ...
        skipping TWWxpm.TWWxpm-RUN as installation already attempted
      checking if package exists in local depot ... no
      retrieving mgv-3.1.5-2 package from remote depot ... 100%
      verifying MD5 checksum of retrieved package payload ... ok
      extracting package files ...
        extracting file ... done
        testing ... done
        unpacking contents ... done
      installing TWWmgv.TWWmgv-MAN ...
        $ swinstall -s /var/tmp/BAAa26293/TWWmgv.depot TWWmgv.TWWmgv-MAN
        updating package database entry for man fileset ... done
      installing TWWmgv.TWWmgv-RUN ...
        $ swinstall -s /var/tmp/BAAa26293/TWWmgv.depot TWWmgv.TWWmgv-RUN
        updating package database entry for runtime fileset ... done
      removing temporary files ... done

Checking GPG signature of packages

Packages are signed with our GPG key. The "--check-sig" option checks the signature of the package against our GPG public key in your keyring (specified with "--gpg-keyring-path=path"). Before running pkg-inst with "--check-sig", the "gpg" binary must be available in your search path ($PATH). The "gpg" binary is available from the GnuPG package. Our GPG public key is available online and in the "support" directory of our distribution CDs under the name "public-key.gpg". The following demonstrates how to import our public key into a keyring:

    $ gpg --no-default-keyring --homedir <keyring path> --import tww-public-key.gpg
    gpg: key FE93BD4E:public key imported
    gpg: Total number processed: 1
    gpg:               imported: 1
    $ gpg --no-default-keyring --homedir <keyring path> --list-keys
    <keyring path>/pubring.gpg
    pub  1024D/FE93BD4E 2001-04-08 The Written Word, Inc. <>
    sub  2048g/87A9A2F0 2001-04-08

The following is a sample run under HP-UX installing Xpm with the --check-sig option to check its GPG signature.

    $ pkg-inst --check-sig --gpg-keyring-path=/root/tww-gpg --dist-ver=6.1
    --local-depot=/tmp/pkg --login=[login] --password=[password]
    --depot= xpm
      depot containing v3.4k-3 of this package ...
      checking if already installed ... no
        components to install: TWWxpm.TWWxpm-MAN, TWWxpm.TWWxpm-RUN
      checking for dependencies ... none
      checking if package exists in local depot ... no
      retrieving xpm-3.4k-3 package from remote depot ... 100%
      verifying MD5 checksum of retrieved package payload ... ok
      verifying GPG signature of retrieved package payload ... ok
      extracting package files ...
        extracting file ... done
        testing ... done
        unpacking contents ... done
      installing TWWxpm.TWWxpm-MAN ...
        $ swinstall -s /var/tmp/AAAa26284/TWWxpm.depot TWWxpm.TWWxpm-MAN
        updating package database entry for man fileset ... done
      installing TWWxpm.TWWxpm-RUN ...
        $ swinstall -s /var/tmp/AAAa26284/TWWxpm.depot TWWxpm.TWWxpm-RUN
        updating package database entry for runtime fileset ... done
      removing temporary files ... done

Configuration file

A configuration file can be created to help reduce the number of options on the command-line. The location of the configuration file is "/opt/TWWfsw/pkgutils15/etc/pkgutils.conf". The default version installed with pkgutils contains verbose descriptions of all options. The configuration file is also documented in pkgutils.conf(4).

A sample configuration file to retrieve packages from the latest distribution would look like:

    local-depot = "/tmp/pkg"

    depots = [ ]

    pkg-db = "/var/opt/TWWfsw/pkgutils15"

    depot {
      dist-ver = [ latest ]

      login = 
      password = 

Without the configuration file above, the command-line equivalent for pkg-inst would be:

    $ pkg-inst --local-depot=/tmp/pkg --dist-ver=latest --login=
    --password= --depot=

With the configuration file, the above would be reduced to executing:

    $ pkg-inst

Inside pkg-inst

Local and remove repositories

When specifying a repository with the "--depot=depot" option, the distribution name, specified with the "--dist=dist" option, must exist as a subdirectory of the repository path. Thus, if pkg-inst is invoked as:

    $ pkg-inst --dist-ver=6.1 --depot= ...

the root path of the repository is "" where a "depot-db.xml" or "pkg-db.xml" file is expected to reside. If pkg-inst is invoked as:

    $ pkg-inst --dist-ver=6.1 --dist=local \
    --depot= ...

the root path of the repository is "".

In the repository root, pkg-inst searches for either the "depot-db.xml" or "pkg-db.xml" file. Unlike a remote repository, raw packages can reside in the same directory as the "pkg-db.xml" file while with remote repositories, ".pkg-inst" package files must reside in the same directory as their corresponding "pkg-db.xml" file.

The depot-db.xml file

As indicated previously, pkg-inst can recursively descend into a repository to search for packages. This is done using the "depot-db.xml" file. pkg-inst expects to find either a "depot-db.xml" or "pkg-db.xml" at the root of a repository and at each directory it descends into. The "depot-db.xml" file contains a list of directories to recurse into. Therefore, pkg-inst will recurse into the depot to the directory level specified by "depot-db.xml". The DTD of the "depot-db.xml" file is documented in depot-db.xml(4) in the pkgutils package.

The pkg-db.xml file

The pkg-inst tool is simply a front-end to the native package management systems. It contains pluggable backend modules for each supported package manager to handle calls to the native package management system. To unify the differences between the different package management systems and provide a single interface to the backend modules, the "pkg-db.xml" file was created which provides all the information pkg-inst needs to install and remove a package. The "pkg-db.xml" file is at the heart of all utilities in the pkgutils suite. The DTD of the "pkg-db.xml" file is documented in pkg-db.xml(4).

Release Notes
Getting Started
Package Utilities Suite
Package Internals
Mirroring Repository
GPG Public Key
Package Utilities Suite
Installing packages
Removing packages
Package information
Maintaining common links
Checking for updates