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The release notes are also available in PDF format.

Packages updated since release 9.0:

ImageMagick-6.6.6, Pyrex-0.9.9, R-2.13.1, SciPy-0.9.0, abiword-2.8.6, apr-1.4.5, apr-util-1.3.12, asciidoc-8.6.6, aspell-, atk-1.32.0, atkmm-2.22.5, audiofile-0.2.7, autoconf-2.66, bash-4.2, bind-server-9.8.1, bind-utils-9.8.1, bison-2.4.3, boost-1.47.0, bzip2-1.0.6, c-ares-1.7.5, cadaver-0.23.3, cairo-1.10.2, cairomm-1.10.0, cfengine-2.2.10, cfengine-3.2.3, cmake-2.8.5, coreutils-8.11, cpio-2.11, ctags-5.8, cups-1.4.8, curl-7.22.0, cvs-1.12.13, cvs2svn-2.3.0, cyrus-sasl-2.1.25, cython-0.14.1, dbus-1.2.26, ddd-3.3.12, dhcp-4.2.3, diffutils-3.2, docutils-0.8.1, doxygen-1.7.4, enchant-1.6.0, exiv2-0.22, expect-5.45, fcpackage-2.8, fcron-3.0.6, fftw-3.3, findutils-4.4.2, freetype-2.4.6, fribidi-0.10.9, gawk-3.1.8, gc-7.2, gcc-4.4.6, gcc64-4.4.6, gconfmm-2.28.3, gdb-7.2, genshi-0.6, gettext-, ghostscript-9.01, git-, glib-2.26.1, glibmm-2.24.2, gmp-4.3.2, gnome-2.32, gnome-vfsmm-2.26.0, gnumeric-1.10.17, gnupg-1.4.11, gnupg-2.0.18, gnuplot-4.4.4, gnutls-2.10.5, gpgme-1.3.1, graphviz-2.28.0, grep-2.9, groff-1.21, gtk+-2.22.1, gtk-doc-1.16, gtk-themes-2.22, gtkmm-2.22.0, gtkspell-2.0.16, gzip-1.4, help2man-1.38.2, httpd-2.2.21, httpd64-2.2.21, imap-2007f, indent-2.2.11, inkscape-0.48.2, ipython-0.11, iso-codes-3.25, joe-3.7, jpeg-8b, junit-4.8.1, k3b-2.0.2, kbiff-4.0, kde-4.7.4, kile-2.1.1, kpl-4.0, krb5-1.9.2, lcms-1.19, lcms-2.1, less-443, libIDL-0.8.14, libart_lgpl-2.3.21, libassuan-2.0.2, libexif-0.6.20, libgcrypt-1.4.6, libglade-2.6.4, libgnomecanvasmm-2.26.0, libgnomemm-2.30.0, libgnomeuimm-2.28.0, libgpg-error-1.10, libiconv-1.13.1, libidn-1.21, libksba-1.2.0, libmng-1.0.10, liboil-0.3.17, libpcap-1.2.0, libpng-1.4.4, libsigc++-2.2.10, libsoup-2.32.2, libssh2-1.3.0, libtasn1-2.9, libxklavier-5.0, libxml++-2.34.2, libxml-2.7.8, libxslt-1.1.26, lsof-4.84, lxml-2.2.8, lynx-2.8.7, m4-1.4.15, make-3.82, matplotlib-1.1.0, mktemp-1.7, mpfr-3.0.1, mrtg-2.16.4, multitail-5.2.6, mysql-5.5.15, ncftp-3.2.5, ncurses-5.7, neon-0.29.6, net-snmp-5.7.1, netpbm-10.47, nmap-5.51, ntp-4.2.6, numpy-1.6.1, openjpeg-1.4, openldap-2.4.26, openssh-5.9, openssl-1.0.0e, pango-1.28.4, pari-2.3.5, patch-2.6.1, patchutils-0.3.2, pcre-8.11, perl-5.12.2, php-5.3.8, pkgconfig-0.25, plotutils-2.6, poppler-0.16.7, popt-1.16, postfix-2.8.4, postgresql-9.0.6, proftpd-1.3.3, puppet-2.6.4, pycrypto-2.3, python-2.6.7, python-2.7.2, qhull-2011.2, qscintilla-2.5.1, qt-4.7.4, qwt-5.2.2, qwt-6.0.1, readline-6.2, rrdtool-1.4.4, rsync-3.0.8, ruby-1.9.2, samba-3.6.4, sed-4.2.1, sharutils-4.11.1, sqlite-, stunnel-4.27, subversion-1.6.17, sudo-1.8.2, suitesparse-3.6.0, swatch-3.2.3, swig-2.0.4, sylpheed-3.0.3, tar-1.26, tcl-8.5.10, tcpdump-4.2.0, tiff-3.9.5, tigervnc-1.0.1, tin-2.0.0, tk-8.5.10, tww-firefox-3.6.25, unzip-6.0, valgrind-3.7.0, vim-7.3, wdb-6.1, wireshark-1.6.5, wv-1.2.9, wxGTK-2.8.12, xchat-2.8.8, xdgdata-1.2, xdgutils-1.2, xerces-c-3.1.1, xmlto-0.0.24, xscreensaver-5.15, xulrunner-, zeromq-2.1.9, zip-3.0, zlib-1.2.5

New packages in release 9.1:

bluefish-2.0, cln-1.3.2, clucene-, dia-0.97.2, distribute-0.6.21, gdk-pixbuf-2.22.1, gengetopt-2.22.4, giflib-4.1.6, gobject-introspection-0.10.8, gtkimageview-1.6.4, hunspell-1.3.2, intltool-0.41.1, jasper-1.900.1, jinja-2.6, libev-3.9, libevent-1.4.14, libffi-3.0.10, libical-0.47, libiodbc-3.52.7, libogg-1.2.2, libproxy-0.4.6, libssh-0.5.2, libtheora-1.1.1, libunistring-0.9.3, libvorbis-1.3.2, lzo-2.06, meld-1.3.2, mercurial-1.9.2, mm-common-0.9.5, mpc-0.9, nose-1.1.2, nspr-4.8.9, nss-3.12.11, pangomm-2.28.2, pygments-1.4, qalculate-0.9.7, redland-1.0.14, sphinx-1.0.8, texlive-2011, webkitgtk-1.3.10, xz-5.0.3, yaml-0.1.4, yasm-1.1.0

3rd-party modules installed with Perl 5.12.2:

Apache-Session-1.89, Algorithm-Dependency-1.110, Algorithm-Diff-1.1902, AppConfig-1.66, Archive-Tar-1.78, Archive-Zip-1.30, Array-Compare-2.01, Array-Unique-0.08, Authen-SASL-2.15, Bit-Vector-7.1, CGI-Session-4.48, CGI-Simple-1.113,, CPAN-Meta-2.112621, CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.004, CSS-Squish-0.10, CSS-Tiny-1.19, Cache-Cache-1.06, Cache-Simple-TimedExpiry-0.27, Calendar-Simple-1.20, Carp-Assert-0.20, Carp-Clan-6.04, Chart-2.4.1, Class-Accessor-0.34, Class-Accessor-Chained-0.01, Class-Container-0.12, Class-DBI-3.0.17, Class-Data-Inheritable-0.08, Class-ErrorHandler-0.01, Class-Fields-0.204, Class-ISA-0.36, Class-Inspector-1.25, Class-Load-0.17, Class-Loader-2.03, Class-ReturnValue-0.55, Class-Singleton-1.4, Class-Trigger-0.14, Class-WhiteHole-0.04, Clone-0.31, Config-Tiny-2.14, Convert-ASCII-Armour-1.4, Convert-ASN1-0.22, Convert-PEM-0.08, Crypt-Blowfish-2.12, Crypt-CBC-2.30, Crypt-DES-2.05, Crypt-DES_EDE3-0.01, Crypt-DH-0.06, Crypt-DSA-1.17, Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum-0.04, Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA-0.28, Crypt-OpenSSL-Random-0.04, Crypt-Primes-0.50, Crypt-RC4-2.02, Crypt-RSA-1.99, Crypt-Random-1.25, Crypt-SSLeay-0.58, DBD-CSV-0.33, DBI-1.616, DBIx-ContextualFetch-1.03, DBIx-SearchBuilder-1.61, DIME-Tools-0.03, Data-Buffer-0.04, Data-Dumper-2.131, Data-ICal-0.18, Data-OptList-0.107, Data-OptList-0.107, Data-ShowTable-3.3, Data-Table-1.54, Data-UUID-1.217, Date-Calc-6.3, Date-Manip-6.25, Date-Simple-3.03, DateTime-0.70, DateTime-Format-Mail-0.3001, DateTime-Format-W3CDTF-0.06, DateTime-Locale-0.45, DateTime-TimeZone-1.37, Devel-CoreStack-1.3, Devel-Cover-0.79, Devel-Cycle-1.11, Devel-GlobalDestruction-0.04, Devel-StackTrace-1.27, Devel-Symdump-2.08, Devel-ptkdb-1.1091, Digest-BubbleBabble-0.02, Digest-HMAC-1.03, Digest-MD2-2.03, Digest-Nilsimsa-0.06, Digest-Perl-MD5-1.8, Digest-SHA-5.62, Digest-SHA-5.62, Digest-SHA-PurePerl-5.62, Digest-SHA1-2.13, Digest-SHA2-1.1.1, Dist-CheckConflicts-0.02, Email-Address-1.892, Email-Date-Format-1.002, Email-MIME-1.910, Email-MIME-ContentType-1.015, Email-MIME-Encodings-1.313, Email-MessageID-1.402, Email-Send-2.198, Email-Simple-2.100, Encode-2.44, Encode-Locale-1.02, Error-0.17016, Eval-Closure-0.06, Exception-Class-1.32, Expect-1.21, ExtUtils-CBuilder-0.280202, ExtUtils-Depends-0.304, ExtUtils-MakeMaker-6.59, ExtUtils-Manifest-1.60, ExtUtils-ParseXS-3.04, ExtUtils-PkgConfig-1.12, ExtUtils-XSpp-0.1602, FCGI-0.73, File-Copy-Recursive-0.38, File-Find-Rule-0.32, File-Flat-1.04, File-HomeDir-0.98, File-Listing-6.02, File-Remote-1.17, File-Remove-1.50, File-Scan-1.43, File-ShareDir-1.03, File-ShareDir-1.03, File-Slurp-9999.19, File-Tail-0.99.3, File-Tail-App-0.0.3, File-Temp-0.22, File-Tempdir-0.02, File-Which-1.09, File-chmod-0.32, Filter-1.37, Font-AFM-1.20, FreezeThaw-0.43, Geography-Countries-2009041301, Graph-0.94, Graph-ReadWrite-2.00, HTML-DynamicTemplate-0.94, HTML-FillInForm-2.1, HTML-Form-6.00, HTML-Format-2.04, HTML-FormatText-WithLinks-0.14, HTML-Mason-1.45, HTML-Parser-3.68, HTML-RewriteAttributes-0.04, HTML-RewriteAttributes-0.04, HTML-Scrubber-0.09, HTML-Table-2.08a, HTML-Tagset-3.20, HTML-Template-2.9, HTML-Tree-4.2, HTTP-Cookies-6.00, HTTP-DAV-0.44, HTTP-Daemon-6.00, HTTP-Date-6.00, HTTP-Message-6.02, HTTP-Negotiate-6.00, HTTP-Server-Simple-0.44, HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason-0.14, Heap-0.80, Hook-LexWrap-0.24, IO-Compress-2.043, IO-Socket-SSL-1.44, IO-String-1.08, IO-Tty-1.10, IO-Zlib-1.10, IO-stringy-2.110, IPC-Run-0.90, IPC-Run3-0.044, IPC-ShareLite-0.17, Ima-DBI-0.35, Image-ExifTool-8.60, Image-Size-3.230, JSON-PP-2.27200, JSON-PP-Compat5006-1.09, Jcode-2.07, LWP-MediaTypes-6.01, List-Compare-0.37, List-MoreUtils-0.33, Locale-Maketext-1.19, Locale-Maketext-Fuzzy-0.11, Locale-Maketext-Lexicon-0.91, Log-Any-0.14, Log-Dispatch-2.29, MIME-Base64-3.13, MIME-Lite-3.027, MIME-Lite-TT-HTML-0.04, MIME-Types-1.32, MIME-tools-5.502, MLDBM-2.04, MRO-Compat-0.11, Mail-Audit-2.225, Mail-Box-2.101, Mail-Box-Parser-C-3.006, Mail-IMAPClient-3.29, Mail-Transport-Dbx-0.07, MailTools-2.08, Math-Bezier-0.01, Math-BigInt-1.997, Math-BigRat-0.2602, Math-Calc-Units-1.07, Math-FixedPrecision-0.21, Math-Round-0.06, Module-Build-0.3800, Module-Implementation-0.06, Module-Metadata-1.000007, Module-Pluggable-3.9, Module-Runtime-0.013, Module-Signature-0.68, Module-Versions-Report-1.06, Moose-2.0205, Net-DNS-0.66, Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable-0.003, Net-Daemon-0.48, Net-Daemon-SSL-1.0, Net-HTTP-6.01, Net-IP-1.25, Net-Ident-1.23, Net-Jabber-2.0, Net-SFTP-0.10, Net-SFTP-Foreign-1.67, Net-SSH-Perl-1.34, Net-SSLeay-1.36, Net-Server-0.99, Net-Telnet-3.03, Net-XMPP-1.02, NetAddr-IP-4.044, Number-Compare-0.02, OLE-Storage_Lite-0.19, Object-Realize-Later-0.18, PAR-Dist-0.47, PPI-1.215, PPI-HTML-1.08, Package-Constants-0.02, Package-DeprecationManager-0.11, Package-Stash-0.32, Package-Stash-XS-0.25, PadWalker-1.92, Params-Util-1.04, Params-Validate-1.00, Parse-CPAN-Meta-1.4401, Parse-RecDescent-1.965001, PatchReader-0.9.6, PathTools-3.33, Perl-OSType-1.002, Perl-Tidy-20101217, PlRPC-0.2020, Pod-Coverage-0.20, Pod-POM-0.27, Pod-Readme-0.11, Pod-Simple-3.19, Pod-Tests-1.19, Probe-Perl-0.01, Proc-Background-1.10, Proc-Daemon-0.02, Proc-ProcessTable-0.45, Quota-1.6.6, RPC-XML-0.76, Regexp-Common-2011041701, Return-Value-1.666001, SNMP_Session-0.93, SOAP-Lite-0.714, SQL-Statement-1.33, Scalar-List-Utils-1.23, Schedule-Cron-0.98, Shell-Source-0.01, Sort-Naturally-1.02, Sort-Versions-1.5, Spiffy-0.30, Spreadsheet-ParseExcel-0.59, Spreadsheet-WriteExcel-2.37, Storable-2.30, String-CRC32-1.4, String-Ediff-0.09, Sub-Exporter-0.982, Sub-Install-0.925, Sub-Name-0.05, Sub-Uplevel-0.22, Sys-Syslog-0.29, Syslog-0.97, Task-Weaken-1.04, Template-Toolkit-2.22, TermReadKey-2.30, Test-Base-0.60, Test-Class-0.24, Test-ClassAPI-1.06, Test-Deep-0.108, Test-Differences-0.61, Test-Exception-0.31, Test-Fatal-0.006, Test-Harness-3.23, Test-Inline-2.212, Test-Inter-1.03, Test-LongString-0.15, Test-Manifest-1.23, Test-Memory-Cycle-1.04, Test-MockModule-0.05, Test-MockObject-1.20110612, Test-NoWarnings-1.03, Test-Number-Delta-1.03, Test-Object-0.07, Test-Output-1.01, Test-Pod-1.45, Test-Pod-Coverage-1.08, Test-Requires-0.06, Test-Script-1.07, Test-Simple-0.98, Test-SubCalls-1.09, Test-Tester-0.107, Test-Warn-0.23, Text-Autoformat-1.669002, Text-CSV_XS-0.85, Text-Diff-1.41, Text-Glob-0.09, Text-Quoted-2.06, Text-Reform-1.20, Text-Template-1.45, Text-WikiFormat-0.79, Text-Wrapper-1.02, Text-vFile-asData-0.07, Tie-EncryptedHash-1.24, Tie-IxHash-1.22, Time-modules-2011.0517, TimeDate-1.20, Tk-804.029, Tk-FileDialog-1.3, Tree-DAG_Node-1.06, Tree-Simple-1.18, Try-Tiny-0.11, UNIVERSAL-can-1.20110617, UNIVERSAL-isa-1.20110614, UNIVERSAL-moniker-0.08, UNIVERSAL-require-0.13, URI-1.59, Unicode-Map8-0.13, Unicode-String-2.09, Unix-Syslog-1.1, User-Identity-0.93, Version-Requirements-0.101020, WWW-Mechanize-1.70, WWW-RobotRules-6.01, Want-0.18, X11-GUITest-0.25, X11-Protocol-0.56, XML-Checker-0.13, XML-DOM-1.44, XML-Filter-BufferText-1.01, XML-NamespaceSupport-1.11, XML-Parser-2.41, XML-RSS-1.49, XML-RegExp-0.03, XML-SAX-0.99, XML-SAX-Base-1.08, XML-SAX-Writer-0.53, XML-Simple-2.18, XML-SimpleObject-0.53, XML-Stream-1.23, XML-TreeBuilder-4.1, XML-Twig-3.38, XML-Validator-Schema-1.10, XML-Writer-0.612, XML-XPath-1.13, YAML-0.73, YAML-Syck-1.17, bignum-0.29, interface-0.03, libnet-1.22, libwww-perl-6.02, libxml-perl-0.08, perl-ldap-0.43, podlators-2.2.2, prefork-1.04, version-0.94

3rd-party modules installed with Python 2.6.7:

4Suite-1.0.2, Imaging-1.1.6, Imaging-1.1.7, Numeric-24.2, PyXML-0.8.4, ZopeInterface-3.3.0, egenix-mx-base-3.1.3, numarray-1.5.2, pexpect-2.1, python-dateutil-1.4.1, python-dateutil-1.5, python-fchksum-1.7, pytz-2007k, pytz-2011h

3rd-party modules installed with Python 2.7.2:

4Suite-1.0.2, Imaging-1.1.6, Imaging-1.1.7, Numeric-24.2, PyXML-0.8.4, ZopeInterface-3.3.0, egenix-mx-base-3.1.3, numarray-1.5.2, pexpect-2.1, python-dateutil-1.4.1, python-dateutil-1.5, python-fchksum-1.7, pytz-2007k, pytz-2011h

3rd-party modules installed with Ruby 1.8.7:

ZenTest-4.6.2, bdb-0.6.5, bones-3.7.1, bundler-1.0.21, diff-lcs-1.1.3, fattr-2.2.0, flexmock-0.9.0, hoe-2.12.3, hoe-doofus-1.0.0, hoe-git-1.4.0, hoe-seattlerb-1.2.6, inifile-0.4.1, json-1.6.1, little-plugger-1.1.2, loquacious-1.9.0, mini_portile-0.2.2, minitest-2.6.1, racc-1.4.7, rake-0.9.2, rake-compiler-0.7.9, rdoc-3.11, rspec-2.7.0, rspec-core-2.7.1, rspec-expectations-2.7.0, rspec-mocks-2.7.0, rubygems-1.8.10, session-3.1.0

3rd-party modules installed with Ruby 1.9.2:

ZenTest-4.6.2, bones-3.7.1, bundler-1.0.21, diff-lcs-1.1.3, fattr-2.2.0, flexmock-0.9.0, hoe-2.12.3, hoe-doofus-1.0.0, hoe-git-1.4.0, hoe-seattlerb-1.2.6, inifile-0.4.1, json-1.6.1, little-plugger-1.1.2, loquacious-1.9.0, mini_portile-0.2.2, minitest-2.6.1, racc-1.4.7, rake-0.9.2, rake-compiler-0.7.9, rdoc-3.11, rspec-2.7.0, rspec-core-2.7.1, rspec-expectations-2.7.0, rspec-mocks-2.7.0, rubygems-1.8.10, session-3.1.0

3rd-party modules installed with Tcl 8.5.10:

itcl-3.4, tcllib-1.11.1, tclx-8.4

3rd-party modules installed with Tk 8.5.10:

BWidget-1.8.0, Tktable-2.10, itk-3.4, iwidgets-4.0.1, tix-8.4.3, tkcon-2.4


Special package notes

  1. The following packages had security updates since the 9.0 release: apr, apr-util, bind-server, bind-utils, cacti, cpio, cups, curl, dbus, dhcp, fetchmail, freetype, ghostscript, gnupg, gnutls, gzip, httpd, ipmitool, irssi, krb5, lftp, libpng, libxml, mysql, nano, neon, net-snmp, netpbm, openldap, openssl, pango, perl, php, pidgin, poppler, postfix, postgresql, proftpd, puppet, python, rdesktop, rsync, samba, sendmail, squid, subversion, sudo, t1lib, tar, tetex, tiff, tww-firefox, tww-seamonkey, tww-thunderbird, xfig, xpdf, w3m, wireshark. Please upgrade to the latest version of these packages.

  2. The following new packages are available:

    • bluefish is a powerful editor for experienced web designers and programmers. Bluefish supports many programming and markup languages, but it focuses on editing dynamic and interactive websites.

    • cln is a collection of C++ math classes and functions, which are designed for memory and speed efficiency, and enable type safety and algebraic syntax.

    • clucene is a C++ port of the popular Apache Lucene search engine. CLucene aims to be a high-speed alternative to Java Lucene, its API is very similar to that of the Java version. It contains most of the same functionality as the Java version.

    • The Dia drawing program can be used to draw different types of diagrams, and includes support for UML static structure diagrams (class diagrams), entity relationship modeling, and network diagrams. Dia can load and save diagrams to a custom file format, can load and save in .xml format, and can export to PostScript\texttrademark.

    • distribute is a collection of enhancements to the Python distutils that allow you to more easily build and distribute Python packages, especially ones that have dependencies on other packages. It is a replacement for the \texttt{setuptools} program.

    • The gdk-pixbuf package contains an image loading library used with the GNOME GUI desktop environment. The GdkPixBuf library provides image loading facilities, the rendering of a GdkPixBuf into various formats (drawables or GdkRGB buffers), and a cache interface.

    • Gengetopt is a tool to write command line option parsing code for C programs.

    • giflib is a GIF loading and saving shared library.

    • gobject-introspection can scan C header and source files in order to generate introspection "typelib" files. It also provides an API to examine typelib files, useful for creating language bindings among other things.

    • GtkImageView is a simple image viewer widget for GTK.

    • Hunspell is a spell checker and morphological analyzer library and program designed for languages with rich morphology and complex word compounding or character encoding. Hunspell interfaces: Ispell-like terminal interface using Curses library, Ispell pipe interface, UNO module.

    • intltool is a Utility for internationalizing various kinds of data files. It has been split out of the \texttt{gnome} package.

    • jasper contains an implementation of the image compression standard JPEG-2000, Part 1. It consists of tools for conversion to and from the JP2 and JPC formats.

    • Jinja is a template engine written in pure Python. It provides a Django inspired non-XML syntax but supports inline expressions and an optional sandboxed environment.

    • Libev is modelled (very losely) after libevent and the Event perl module, but is faster, scales better and is more correct, and also more featureful

    • The libevent API provides a mechanism to execute a callback function when a specific event occurs on a file descriptor or after a timeout has been reached. libevent is meant to replace the asynchronous event loop found in event driven network servers. An application just needs to call event_dispatch() and can then add or remove events dynamically without having to change the event loop.

    • The libffi library provides a portable, high level programming interface to various calling conventions. This allows a programmer to call any function specified by a call interface description at run time.

      FFI stands for Foreign Function Interface. A foreign function interface is the popular name for the interface that allows code written in one language to call code written in another language. The "libffi" library really only provides the lowest, machine dependent layer of a fully featured foreign function interface. A layer must exist above "libffi" that handles type conversions for values passed between the two languages.

    • libical is a reference implementation of the iCalendar data type and serialization formatused in dozens of calendaring and scheduling products.

    • The libiodbc iODBC Driver Manager is a free implementation of the SAG CLI and ODBC compliant driver manager which allows developers to write ODBC compliant applications that can connect to various databases using appropriate backend drivers.

    • Libogg is a library for manipulating Ogg bitstream file formats. Libogg supports both making Ogg bitstreams and getting packets from Ogg bitstreams.

    • libproxy is a library that provides automatic proxy configuration management.

    • libssh is a mulitplatform C library implementing the SSHv2 and SSHv1 protocol on client and server side. With libssh, you can remotely execute programs, transfer files, use a secure and transparent tunnel for your remote applications.

    • libtheora is the reference implementation for Xiph.Org's first publicly released video codec, intended for use within the Ogg's project's Ogg multimedia streaming system. Theora is derived directly from On2's VP3 codec; Currently the two are nearly identical, varying only in encapsulating decoder tables in the bitstream headers, but Theora will make use of this extra freedom in the future to improve over what is possible with VP3.

    • The libunistring library implements Unicode strings (in the UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32 encodings), together with functions for Unicode characters (character names, classifications, properties) and functions for string processing (formatted output, width, word breaks, line breaks, normalization, case folding, regular expressions).

    • The libvorbis package contains runtime libraries for use in programs that support Ogg Vorbis.

    • LZO is a data compression library which is suitable for data de-/compression in real-time.

    • Meld is a visual diff and merge tool. You can compare two or three files and edit them in place (diffs update dynamically). You can compare two or three folders and launch file comparisons. You can browse and view a working copy from popular version control systems such such as CVS, Subversion, Bazaar-ng and Mercurial.

    • Mercurial is a fast, lightweight source control management system designed for efficient handling of very large distributed projects.

    • The mm-common module provides the build infrastructure and utilities shared among the GNOME C++ binding libraries.

    • MPC is a C library for the arithmetic of complex numbers with arbitrarily high precision and correct rounding of the result. It is built upon and follows the same principles as Mpfr.

    • Nose provides an alternate test discovery and running process for unittest, one that is intended to mimic the behavior of py.test as much as is reasonably possible without resorting to too much magic.

    • NSPR provides platform independence for non-GUI operating system facilities. These facilities include threads, thread synchronization, normal file and network I/O, interval timing and calendar time, basic memory management (malloc and free) and shared library linking.

    • Network Security Services (NSS) is a set of libraries designed to support cross-platform development of security-enabled client and server applications. Applications built with NSS can support SSL v2 and v3, TLS, PKCS #5, PKCS #7, PKCS #11, PKCS #12, S/MIME, X.509 v3 certificates, and other security standards.

    • pangomm provides a C++ interface to the Pango library. Highlights include typesafe callbacks, widgets extensible via inheritance and a comprehensive set of widget classes that can be freely combined to quickly create complex user interfaces.

    • Pygments is a generic syntax highlighter for general use in all kinds of software such as forum systems, wikis or other applications that need to prettify source code.

    • Qalculate is a multi-purpose desktop calculator. It is small and simple to use but with much power and versatility underneath. Features include customizable functions, units, arbitrary precision, plotting.

    • Redland librdf is a library that provides a high-level interface for the Resource Description Framework (RDF) allowing the RDF graph to be parsed from XML, stored, queried and manipulated. Redland librdf implements each of the RDF concepts in its own class via an object based API, reflected into the language APIs, currently C#, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and Tcl. Several classes providing functionality such as for parsers, storage are built as modules that can be loaded at compile or run-time as required.

    • Sphinx is a tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful documentation for Python projects (or other documents consisting of multiple reStructuredText sources).

    • TeXLive is an implementation of TeX for Linux or UNIX systems. TeX takes a text file and a set of formatting commands as input and creates a printable file as output. Usually, TeX is used in conjunction with a higher level formatting package like LaTeX or PlainTeX, since TeX by itself is not very user-friendly.

    • WebKitGTK+ is the port of the portable web rendering engine WebKit to the GTK+ platform.

    • XZ Utils provide a general-purpose data compression library and command line tools. The native file format is the .xz format, but also the legacy .lzma format is supported. The .xz format supports multiple compression algorithms, which are called "filters" in context of XZ Utils. The primary filter is currently LZMA2. With typical files, XZ Utils create about 30 % smaller files than gzip.

    • YAML is a human friendly data serialization standard for all programming languages.

    • Yasm is a complete rewrite of the NASM assembler under the "new" BSD License (some portions are under other licenses, see COPYING for details). It is designed from the ground up to allow for multiple assembler syntaxes to be supported (eg, NASM, TASM, GAS, etc.) in addition to multiple output object formats and even multiple instruction sets. Another primary module of the overall design is an optimizer module.


Perl 5.12.2 module search path

Perl has been updated to read a configuration file containing a list of module search paths, /opt/TWWfsw/perl5122/etc/include.paths, and to read a directory of configuration files, /opt/TWWfsw/perl5122/etc/include.paths.d, containing a list of module search paths. The module search path is augmented by prepending the paths to the default Perl search path. In taint mode, usage of this file is disabled.

The default search path is:

  $ /opt/TWWfsw/perl5122/bin/perl -V

To prepend additional site-specific paths to this list, update /opt/TWWfsw/perl5122/etc/include.paths.d with the list of additional paths to search:

  $ ls /opt/TWWfsw/perl5122/etc/include.paths.d
  $ cat /opt/TWWfsw/perl5122/etc/include.paths.d/01-modules
  $ cat /opt/TWWfsw/perl5122/etc/include.paths.d/02-modules
  $ /opt/TWWfsw/perl5122/bin/perl -V

Python 2.6.7 module search path

Python has been updated to read a configuration file containing a list of module search paths, /opt/TWWfsw/python26/etc/include.paths, and to read a directory of configuration files, /opt/TWWfsw/python26/etc/include.paths.d, containing a list of module search paths. The module search path is augmented by prepending the paths to the default Python search path.

The default search path is:

  $ /opt/TWWfsw/python26/bin/python
  >>> import sys
  >>> for p in sys.path:
  >>>   print p

To prepend additional site-specific paths to this list, update /opt/TWWfsw/python26/etc/include.paths.d with the list of additional paths to search:

  $ ls /opt/TWWfsw/python26/etc/include.paths.d
  $ cat /opt/TWWfsw/python26/etc/include.paths.d/01-modules
  $ cat /opt/TWWfsw/python26/etc/include.paths.d/02-modules
  $ /opt/TWWfsw/python26/bin/python
  >>> import sys
  >>> for p in sys.path:
  >>>   print p

Python 2.7.2 module search path

Python has been updated to read a configuration file containing a list of module search paths, /opt/TWWfsw/python27/etc/include.paths, and to read a directory of configuration files, /opt/TWWfsw/python27/etc/include.paths.d, containing a list of module search paths. The module search path is augmented by prepending the paths to the default Python search path.

The default search path is:

  $ /opt/TWWfsw/python27/bin/python
  >>> import sys
  >>> for p in sys.path:
  >>>   print p

To prepend additional site-specific paths to this list, update /opt/TWWfsw/python27/etc/include.paths.d with the list of additional paths to search:

  $ ls /opt/TWWfsw/python27/etc/include.paths.d
  $ cat /opt/TWWfsw/python27/etc/include.paths.d/01-modules
  $ cat /opt/TWWfsw/python27/etc/include.paths.d/02-modules
  $ /opt/TWWfsw/python27/bin/python
  >>> import sys
  >>> for p in sys.path:
  >>>   print p

Ruby 1.8.7 module search path

Ruby has been updated to read a configuration file containing a list of module search paths, /opt/TWWfsw/ruby18/etc/include.paths, and to read a directory of configuration files, /opt/TWWfsw/ruby18/etc/include.paths.d, containing a list of module search paths. The module search path is augmented by prepending the paths to the default Python search path.

The default search path is:

  $ /opt/TWWfsw/ruby18/bin/ruby -e 'puts $:'

To prepend additional site-specific paths to this list, update /opt/TWWfsw/ruby18/etc/include.paths.d with the list of additional paths to search:

  $ ls /opt/TWWfsw/ruby18/etc/include.paths.d
  $ cat /opt/TWWfsw/ruby18/etc/include.paths.d/01-modules
  $ cat /opt/TWWfsw/ruby18/etc/include.paths.d/02-modules
  $ /opt/TWWfsw/ruby18/bin/ruby -e 'puts $:'

Ruby 1.9.2 module search path

Ruby has been updated to read a configuration file containing a list of module search paths, /opt/TWWfsw/ruby19/etc/include.paths, and to read a directory of configuration files, /opt/TWWfsw/ruby19/etc/include.paths.d, containing a list of module search paths. The module search path is augmented by prepending the paths to the default Python search path.

The default search path is:

  $ /opt/TWWfsw/ruby19/bin/ruby -e 'puts $:'

To prepend additional site-specific paths to this list, update /opt/TWWfsw/ruby19/etc/include.paths.d with the list of additional paths to search:

  $ ls /opt/TWWfsw/ruby19/etc/include.paths.d
  $ cat /opt/TWWfsw/ruby19/etc/include.paths.d/01-modules
  $ cat /opt/TWWfsw/ruby19/etc/include.paths.d/02-modules
  $ /opt/TWWfsw/ruby19/bin/ruby -e 'puts $:'

Tcl 8.5.10 module search path

Tcl has been updated to read a configuration file containing a list of module search paths, /opt/TWWfsw/tcl85/etc/include.paths, and to read a directory of configuration files, /opt/TWWfsw/tcl85/etc/include.paths.d, containing a list of module search paths. The module search path is augmented by prepending the paths to the default Python search path.

The default search path is:

  $ /opt/TWWfsw/tcl85/bin/tclsh8.5
  % foreach path $auto_path { echo $path }

To prepend additional site-specific paths to this list, update /opt/TWWfsw/tcl85/etc/include.paths.d with the list of additional paths to search:

  $ ls /opt/TWWfsw/tcl85/etc/include.paths.d
  01-modules  99-BWidget  99-itk       99-tcllib  99-tix  99-Tktable
  02-modules  99-itcl     99-iwidgets  99-tclx    99-tk
  $ cat /opt/TWWfsw/tcl85/etc/include.paths.d/01-modules
  $ cat /opt/TWWfsw/tcl85/etc/include.paths.d/02-modules
  $ /opt/TWWfsw/tcl85/bin/tclsh8.5
  % foreach path $auto_path { echo $path }

Updates to pkgutils

The following important changes were made to pkgutils.1.6.7:

  • Add support for AIX 7.1

  • Fix progress meter when we initially do not know the download size

  • Support for gnupg-2.x

  • pkg-links will now run the postinstall script and preuninstall script for all of the following subpackage types: "libruntime", "man", "packages", "runtime"

  • Force format of "rpm -q" output with "--qf" because we cannot presume to know the format output

  • Pass arguments defined in pkgmgr-args-inst to pkg-links so --relocate is honored for the RPM package manager

Updates to sbutils

The following important changes were made to sbutils-1.3.1:

  • Support .tar.xz files

Other Releases
9.1 9.0 8.3 10.0
Release Notes
Getting Started
Package Utilities Suite
Package Internals
Mirroring Repository
GPG Public Key