To install the pkgutils package, download pkgutils-1.6.21.depot.tar and install as follows (assumes the file was downloaded to
the /tmp/pkgutils directory):
$ /bin/su
# cd /tmp/pkgutils
# tar xf pkgutils-1.6.21.depot.tar
# swinstall -s /tmp/pkgutils TWWpkgut16
If using RPM packages on non-Redhat Linux platforms rather than packages in the native package format, the RPM pkgutils package must be installed rather than the native-format version of the pkgutils package (detailed in the instructions above). Download pkgutils-1.6.21.rpm.tar and install as follows (assumes the file was downloaded to the /tmp/pkgutils directory):
$ /bin/su
# cd /tmp/pkgutils
# tar xf pkgutils-1.6.21.rpm.tar
# rpm [--dbpath /opt/TWWfsw/.rpmdb] -Uv TWWpkgutils16*.rpm